Commemorating a successful launch of

Twitterscape from 2015-08-27+14-53-31
Thank you to Rocket & Walker for being such an effective management team.

The following tweets contributed to this 'Scape:

@LOLGOP: "The best part about people who think political correctness is a huge problem is that they're also the only people who read the comments."

@BarackObama: "One organizer is sharing her story about continuing the fight for women’s rights:"

@chriscoyier: "“Hack is hand groomed and optically balanced to be a workhorse face for code.”"

@MiaFarrow: "U.N says aid increase would stem refugee tide"

@arstechnica: "Sony blocks archiving of Until Dawn Twitch streams through PS4 by @KyleOrl"

@alisonjardine: "'Posted & Private' 30"x40" oil on canvas #painting #art"

@ianlandsman: "@patpohler can’t beat the market!"

@revolveconf: "RT @KnowledgEconomy: @jasminecprobst @HollyHet I hope to get to RevolveConf & attend your talk. @Facebook has been big on the #KnowledgeEco…"

@LOLGOP: "Political correctness is obviously a huge issue for the GOP base, which is apparently made up entirely of freshman English instructors."

@patpohler: "@ianlandsman yeah the managed funds seem to do worse, my 500 S&P is beating my Betterment portfolio"

@bobjinx: "Visual continuity is a weird thing in animation. Some people get really caught up in it! I’m not sure I really do. Depends."

@MiaFarrow: "RT @David__Keeley: @MiaFarrow founding fathers had one shot muskets not lethal multi round devices people have today - more lives ruined fo…"

@alisonjardine: "'Dusk Falling', 36″x36″, oil on canvas (2008) #art #painting"

@MiaFarrow: "RT @DavidClinchNews: Mama Mia! @usainbolt vs Segway:"

@MotherJones: "RT @timmcdonnell: 10 yrs after Katrina, you can't understand LA's coastal disaster until you see it like this: http:…"

@LOLGOP: "RT @MCrawford81: Worth the read!"

@LOLGOP: "RT @etchaStech: Deafening silence form the entire GOP field on Trump's offensive rhetoric"

@zefrank: "Normal is just when weird gets critical mass."

@monteiro: "Yesterday’s video wasn’t offensive. It was disturbing. There’s a difference. In the latter you aren’t the center of the universe."


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