Fulcrum fund application

Twitterscape from 2017-07-27+20-34-17
I'm visiting Twitterscap.es to brainstorm how a cool opportunity might help this app grow.

The following tweets contributed to this 'Scape:

@jennschiffer: "RT @jennschiffer: ✨ i wanna know what you want to see me code & any questions i can try to answer in these sessions for you - https://t.co/…"

@koat7news: "Businesses are cashing in on solar eclipse watchers https://t.co/MTkH8Vj6rv https://t.co/cHsiWKL88Q"

@TheHarwood: "Create a "Missing Persons" poster and be part of a collaborative installation at Harwood Art Center's Bridge: Art... https://t.co/BwBwhMjoFE"

@misskristelle: "@MicaelaBrownCEO @BlushWhimsy @scarletsbeau @BreezyNM @SocialMediaABQ @Brian_Colon @4SBacoccini https://t.co/PFX0nOFy58"

@FatKidDeals: "Get a cock for $17.90 https://t.co/gKQWHx0XRt https://t.co/7wikjSaFmV"

@MicaelaBrownCEO: "RT @More_Turquoise: THANK YOU to everyone who has already purchased from my new jewelry collection! I hope u ❤️theses pieces like I do! htt…"

@andypiper: "YASSS Nine Worlds is LIFE "


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